Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekly Treasures: Featured Seller

I regularly frequent a chat room on Etsy known as the FS (Featured Seller) Room.  Essentially, someone is chosen to be the featured seller and they get to promote their shop for 5 minutes.  People post pictures of their items to the room and give them shop and item hearts.  Whoever is the first person to buy from the featured seller becomes the next featured seller and on and on it goes.  It's a fun way to both get a few sales every now and then and support other handmade artisans, sometimes with their very first sale.

I created a Treasury East to feature some of the people who also regularly frequent the chat room:

Another seller had the same idea and featured me in this FS treasury:

Check out the chat sometime if you're an Etsy seller and don't forget to post your links to your own Treasury East in the comments!

Until next time,