Guest Posting

Please read the entire form before you begin to write your post.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post to The Elle's Beads Blog.  All submissions must be in English and free of major spelling and grammatical errors.  Posts should appeal to buyers and/or sellers of handmade or vintage goods.  Any post that is written solely as a promotion for your shop or paid service will be rejected.

Please observe basic guest blogging guidelines: Do not submit any article that is not your own work.  Do not submit duplicate content.  Work that has already been published on the Internet or elsewhere is not acceptable.  Do not submit any article that has already been submitted to another website for consideration unless you have received a definite rejection from them.

The Elle's Beads Blog is under no obligation to publish any submission.  Do not resubmit any article rejected by The Elle's Beads Blog unless extensive edits have been made to improve the quality of the article.  There will be no financial compensation given for articles that are submitted, regardless of whether or not they are published.


Email Address:

Link to your website or blog:

Have you read one post from at least three different categories present on this blog?



If the answer to the last question is no, please read some of the blog now so that you are familiar with the content and style of the posts here.

Which of the following categories includes your post? Select all that apply.

Low Cost or Free Business Strategies

Marketing Tips

Craft Fair Tips or Stories

Artisan Feature

Other Indie Business Tips

Website/Venue Reviews


Gift Guides

Eco-friendly crafting



Creative Musings

Primarily for Sellers

Primarily for Buyers

For Both Buyers and Sellers

Other Relevant Topic

Describe your topic in a few words:

Enter the text of your article below.  If you wish to pre-format your post (bold, underline, font, style) or include links and/or images, please post the HTML code for the article instead of plain text.

If you include images, you certify that you own the image or have a full license to share it, modify it, and use it for commercial purposes.  In addition, you also certify that you are legally permitted to and thus do extend such a full license to me.

Your Article (copy and paste here):

Please provide a short bio (no more than three sentences).  This will be published with the article.  If you wish to include a logo or image of yourself along with the bio, please either provide the HTML code for this image or a link to it on your photo hosting site. Keep it small - no banners please.

Your Bio:

Add any questions, concerns, or additional information here:

This article is my own work and has never been published before. I understand that I will not be paid for this submission and there is no guarantee my article will be published. I agree to not submit this article to any other blog until and unless The Elle's Beads Blog declines to publish. I respect this blog's right to delete my post, any copyrighted images, and any backlinks if it is discovered that I lied. I understand that if I cannot agree to these terms, my article will be automatically rejected.



Once I have received your submission, I will review it and respond to you within 72 hours.  If you do not receive a response within 72 hours, I did not receive your submission.  If this happens, please email me through the link on my blog homepage.

This is a free form, so it includes advertising. After you hit submit and correctly enter the captcha, you will see a page with an advertisement. You do not need to click this ad for your form to submit. Just wait for the bar at the top of the page to load, and then click the link next to it that says "Continue" to confirm your submission.

Click here to create your own form.